Why do you get chills when you listen to a great song?

Chances are you know the feeling, as research tells us anywhere from 55-86% of the population experiences “frisson” (free-sawn), or the full-body chill induced by an emotional sound or image. A movie trailer, a power ballad, or even a particularly moving photograph can trigger this response. The reason why is still being investigated, but research … Read more

Music Therapy and the Brain

This infographic from imamusictherapist.com shows how music therapy enables and contributes to neuroplasticity, or a fancy word for your brain’s ability to grow and change. Music has been shown time and again through research to be a powerful tool for rehabilitation, learning, and development. There’s a reason why you learned your ABCs with a song!

Tone Deaf? Try Singing More

If you’ve ever been told that you’re “tone deaf” or “can’t carry a tune,” don’t give up! A new study from Northwestern University suggests that singing is more like playing an instrument than you might think: singing on pitch is a skill that can be taught and developed, which means even the singers who have … Read more